We can merge across, just simply merge the cells. But click the drop-down arrow to see that we can merge and center, which will do two things at once: merge the cells and center the contents, which is our title, across the middle. We'll go back to the Home tab, and from here we're going to merge these cells into one by going over to Merge & Center. There’s one simple piece of advice for using merged cells effectively in Excel: NEVER MERGE CELLS. Let's click and drag across from cell A1 to N1 Next, we want to merge these cells together.

You can open up RH_Revenues0206 if you need to catch up. It's easily done, and that's exactly what we're going to do right now. Well, in that case, we might want to merge all of the cells from column A all the way to column N and center it across those cells. You will find your selected group of cells merged into one cell, but containing only the value from the first cell (Great Dickens in this example). Perhaps our title would look good if it was centered across the table that appears down below of data. From the options available, select Merge & Center. We want to combine the first two columns, with the. Now, we enter the arguments for the CONCATENATE function, which tell the function which cells to combine. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group: If Merge & Center isn't highlighted, there are no merged cells in the selected area. A quick way to do so is to click the triangle at the intersection of the row headers and column headers: 2. Start typing the function into the cell, starting with an equals sign, as follows. Here's a quick way to unmerge all merged cells in a worksheet: 1. The whole process takes only 2 quick steps: Select the contiguous cells you want to combine. Take a look at our Landon Hotels revenue sheet here. To begin, select the first cell that will contain the combined, or concatenated, text. Sometimes when you want content to span several different cells, a good idea is to merge those cells into one. Best bet is to repeat the values in column A and, if you wish, use Conditional Formatting to hide duplicated entries. Just highlight the merged cell, and click the Merge & Center button again (youll see that its a slightly different color after a cell has been.